Category theory Notes 3

This article writes about what is functor, contravariant functor, bifunctor and profunctor.

tikz cheatsheet

Recently someone asked me for help of drawing a graph in LaTeX. And we found that tikz is surprisingly hard to use, the official document is too long to find anything useful and the unofficial document is always stale. So I created this.

Category theory Notes 2

This article writes about epis, monos, products, coproducts,etc.

mem2reg made simple

mem2reg is one of the most important passes in LLVM. However, I didn't find a good tutorial for me. All the tutorials I found just throw me either a pile of code or several papers, without a more intuitive explanation. So I wrote this.

Elementary Geometry In Agda

We all have learned elementary geometry in high school. Now let's try to prove some elementary geometry theories in Agda!

How to prove 2 ≤ 3 in Agda

A brief introduction about decidability related things and their usage in Agda

Restart learning math • Mathematical logic (8)

Now I'm reading LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE to relearn (and dig deeper) the little bit of mathematical logic I've learnt at university...This article is about binary decision diagrams

Restart learning math • Mathematical logic (7)

Now I'm reading LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE to relearn (and dig deeper) the little bit of mathematical logic I've learnt at university...This article is about modal logic

Restart learning math • Mathematical logic (6)

I'm reading LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE to relearn (and dig deeper) the little bit of mathematical logic I've learnt at university...This article is about proof based program verification

Category theory Notes 1

Category theory appears everywhere when I learn things, so I'd better learn it systematically. This article writes about what is Category and some examples.