An outline for HoTT. Focus on easy to understand.
This article is about function extensionality.
This article is about Propositions, sets, and the higher truncation levels.
After a year, I'm finally take a course about HoTT formally in a classroom. This article is about the fundamental theorem of identity types.
I am trying to understand how semiconductors work, and I have found that there is a whole lot of physics to learn. This article will be qualitative rather than quantitative.
A full frontend tool for converting images to rgb565
LLVM IR heavily relies on branching statements to represent control flow. However, for low-level languages targeting stack-based VMs, like WebAssembly, there are no direct instructions corresponding to branching. Therefore, we need an algorithm to convert the IR into acceptable code.
This article writes about what is functor, contravariant functor, bifunctor, profunctor and faithful/full functor.
Recently someone asked me for help of drawing a graph in LaTeX. And we found that tikz is surprisingly hard to use, the official document is too long to find anything useful and the unofficial document is always stale. So I created this.
This article writes about epis, monos, products, coproducts,etc.