Let's consider the type theory represent of proposition "$f: A → B$ is surjective":
$$ \Pi_{(y:B)}\Sigma_{(x:A)} f(x) = y $$
Note $=$ (or we should use $=_B$) here stands for this is an instance of "identity type".
Apply AC we introduced in last course:
$$ \Sigma_{(g: B\rightarrow A)} \Pi_{(y:B)} f(g(y)) = y $$
So we can see there's some relation between $f \cdot g$ and $id_B$, this relation is similar, but weaker than $f \cdot g \underset{B → B}{=} id_B$.
And this relation is what we call homotopy.
Formal definition
For two dependent functions $f$ and $g$,
$$ f \sim g := \Pi_{(x:A)} f(x) = g(x) $$
Here $f \sim g$ is the type of homotopies from $f$ to $g$.
module _ {l1 l2} {A : Set l1} {B : A → Set l2} where
_~_ : (f g : (x : A) → B x) → Set (l1 ⊔ l2)
f ~ g = (x : A) → f x ≡ g x
Here we can say $g$ is a section of $f$ and $f$ is a retraction of $g$, we'll introduce these concepts later.
neg-bool : Bool → Bool
neg-bool true = false
neg-bool false = true
There's no way can we prove:
$$ neg\text{-}bool \cdot neg\text{-}bool ≐ id_{Bool} $$
Instead, we can define a pointwise identification between the values of $neg\text{-}bool \cdot neg\text{-}bool$ and $id_{Bool}$.
neg-neg-bool : (neg-bool ∘ neg-bool) ~ id
neg-neg-bool false = refl
neg-neg-bool true = refl
Commutativity of Diagrams1
We can use homotopies to express the commutativity of diagrams.
For example, we say that a triangle commutes if it comes equipped with a homotopy $H: f \sim g \cdot h$.
$$ \require{amscd} \require{cancel} \def\diaguparrow#1{\smash{\raise.6em\rlap{\ \ \scriptstyle #1} \lower.6em{\cancelto{}{\Space{2em}{1.7em}{0px}}}}} \begin{CD} A @>f>>X\\ @VhVV \diaguparrow{g}\\ B \end{CD} $$
A square is similar:
$$ \require{amscd} \begin{CD} A @>g>> A'\\ @VfVV @Vf'VV\\ B @>h>> B' \end{CD} $$
Here $h \cdot f \sim f' \cdot g$.
And we can have homotopies between homotopies:
If $H, K: f \sim g$ are two homotopies, ie
$$ f,g: \Pi_{(x:A)}B(x) $$ $$ H,K: f \sim g $$
then the type of homotopies $f \sim g$ between them is just the type
$$ \alpha: \Pi_{(x:A)}H(x) = K(x) $$
And we can push this further, homotopies of homotopies of homotopies, homotopies4, etc.
Operations on Homotopies
refl-htpy: $\Pi_{(f:\Pi_{(x:A)}B(x))} f \sim f$
inv-htpy: $\Pi_{(f,g:\Pi_{(x:A)}B(x))} (f \sim g) → (g \sim f)$
concat-htpy: $\Pi_{(f,g,h:\Pi_{(x:A)}B(x))} (f \sim g) → (g \sim h) \rightarrow (f \sim h)$
We will often write $H^{-1}$ for $inv\text{-}htpy(H)$, and $H \cdot K$ for $concat\text{-}htpy(H, K)$
refl-htpy : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} (f : (x : A) → B x) → f ~ f
refl-htpy = λ f x → refl
inv-htpy : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} {f g : (x : A) → B x} → f ~ g → g ~ f
inv-htpy htpy = λ x → sym (htpy x)
concat-htpy : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} {f g h : (x : A) → B x} → f ~ g → g ~ h → f ~ h
concat-htpy htpy1 htpy2 = λ x → trans (htpy1 x) (htpy2 x)
_·_ : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} {f g h : (x : A) → B x} → f ~ g → g ~ h → f ~ h
_·_ = concat-htpy
Laws of Homotopies
Homotopies satisfy the groupoid laws, ie. associative, has left and right unit (refl-htpy), left and right inverse law.
assoc-htpy : {A B : Set} {f g h i : A → B} (H : f ~ g) (K : g ~ h) (L : h ~ i) → (((H · K) · L) ~ (H · (K · L)))
assoc-htpy H K L = λ x → trans-assoc (H x) {K x} {L x}
left-unit-htpy : {A B : Set} {f g : A → B} (H : f ~ g) → ((refl-htpy f · H) ~ H)
left-unit-htpy H = λ x → refl
right-unit : {A : Set} {x y : A} {p : x ≡ y} → (trans p (refl {x = y})) ≡ p
right-unit {p = refl} = refl
right-unit-htpy : {A B : Set} {f g : A → B} (H : f ~ g) → ((H · (refl-htpy g)) ~ H)
right-unit-htpy {_} {_} {f} {g} H = λ x → right-unit
right-inv : {A : Set} {x y : A} (p : x ≡ y) → (trans p (sym p)) ≡ refl
right-inv refl = refl
left-inv : {A : Set} {x y : A} (p : x ≡ y) → (trans (sym p) p) ≡ refl
left-inv refl = refl
left-inv-htpy : {A B : Set} {f g : A → B} (H : f ~ g) → (((inv-htpy H) · H) ~ (refl-htpy g))
left-inv-htpy H = λ x → left-inv (H x)
right-inv-htpy : {A B : Set} {f g : A → B} (H : f ~ g) → ((H · (inv-htpy H)) ~ (refl-htpy f))
right-inv-htpy H = λ x → right-inv (H x)
Whiskering operations are operations that allow us to compose homotopies with functions.
- Suppose $H: f \sim g$ for two functions $f,g: A → B$, and let $h:B→C$. We define
$$ h \cdot H := λx.ap_h(H(x)) : h \cdot f \sim h \cdot g $$
f-chain-H : {A B C : Set} {f g : A → B} (h : B → C) (H : f ~ g) → ((h ∘ f) ~ (h ∘ g))
f-chain-H h H = λ x → cong h (H x)
- Suppose $f: A → B$ and $H: g \sim h$ for two functions $g,h:B→C$. We define
$$ H \cdot f := λx.H(f(x)) : h \cdot f \sim g \cdot f $$
H-chain-f : {A B C : Set} {g h : B → C} (H : g ~ h) (f : A → B) → ((h ∘ f) ~ (g ∘ f))
H-chain-f H f = λ x → sym (H (f x))
Bi-invertible maps
We can use homotopies to define sections, retractions and equivalence of a map.
A section is a right inverse of some morphism.
$$ sec(f) := \Sigma_{(g:B\rightarrow A)} f\cdot g \sim id_B $$
For any equivalence $e : 𝐴 ≃ 𝐵$ we define $e^{-1}$ to be the section of $e$.
sec : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Set l1} {B : Set l2} (f : A → B) → Set (l1 ⊔ l2) sec {_} {_} {A} {B} f = Σ (B → A) (λ g → ((f ∘ g) ~ id))
A retraction is a left inverse of some morphism.
$$ retr(f) := \Sigma_{(h:B\rightarrow A)} h\cdot f \sim id_A $$
retr : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Set l1} {B : Set l2} (f : A → B) → Set (l1 ⊔ l2) retr {_} {_} {A} {B} f = Σ (B → A) (λ h → ((h ∘ f) ~ id))
equivalence = section + retraction
$$ is\text{-}equiv(f) := sec(f) × retr(f) $$
is-equiv : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Set l1} {B : Set l2} (f : A → B) → Set (l1 ⊔ l2) is-equiv {_} {_} {A} {B} f = sec f × retr f
Or "f is bi-invertible".
We will write $A ≃ B$ for the type $\Sigma_{(f:A→B)} is\text{-}equiv(f)$ of all equivalences from $A$ to $B$.
Besides, we can define $has\text{-}inverse$:
$$ has\text{-}inverse(f) := \Sigma_{(g:B→A)} (f\cdot g \sim id_B) \times (g\cdot f \sim id_A) $$
has-inverse : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Set l1} {B : Set l2} (f : A → B) → Set (l1 ⊔ l2) has-inverse{_} {_} {A} {B} f = Σ (B → A) (λ g → ((f ∘ g) ~ id) × ((g ∘ f) ~ id))
We can prove that $has\text{-}inverse(f) \leftrightarrow is\text{-}equiv(f)$
is-equiv-to-has-inverse : {A : Set} {B : Set} {f : A → B} → is-equiv f → has-inverse f
is-equiv-to-has-inverse {f = f} ((r-inv , r-homo), (l-inv , l-homo)) =
r-inv , (r-homo ,
inv-htpy (inv-htpy
l-homo · (
H-chain-f (H-chain-f l-homo r-inv · f-chain-H l-inv r-homo) f
has-inverse-to-is-equiv : {A : Set} {B : Set} {f : A → B} → has-inverse f → is-equiv f
has-inverse-to-is-equiv (inv , (r-homo , l-homo)) = (inv , r-homo) , (inv , l-homo)
Example of Equivalences
Ref section 9.2.9 and 9.2.10 of the book Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory
Laws & Operations on Equivalences
We have $refl\text{-}eqiv$, $inv\text{-}eqiv$ and $concat\text{-}eqiv$.
Function Extensionality & Univalence Axiom
Let $P := \Pi_{(x:A)}B(x)$, because both $\sim$ and $≃$ are refl. we get
$$ id\text{-}to\text{-}\sim: \Pi_{(f,g:P)}(f \underset{P}{=} g \rightarrow f \sim g) $$
$$ id\text{-}to\text{-}≃: \Pi_{(A,B:\mathcal{U})}(A\underset{\mathcal{U}}{=}B \rightarrow A ≃ B) $$
With these, we can define function extensionality:
The principle of functional extensionality states that two functions are equal if their values are equal at every argument. —— nLab
$$ funext:\Pi_{(f,g:P)}is\text{-}equiv(id\text{-}to\text{-}\sim(f, g)) $$
Similarly, we can define the univalence axiom (UA):
In intensional type theory, identity types behave like path space objects; this viewpoint is called homotopy type theory. This induces furthermore a notion of homotopy fibers, hence of homotopy equivalences between types.
On the other hand, if type theory contains a universe Type, so that types can be considered as points of Type, then between two types we also have an identity type Paths $Paths_{Type}(X,Y)$. The univalence axiom says that these two notions of “sameness” for types are the same. —— nLab
$$ UA^{\mathcal{U}}:\Pi_{(A,B:\mathcal{U})}is\text{-}eqiv(id\text{-}to\text{-}≃(A,B)) $$
Identification in Σ-types
We can characterize the identity type of Σ-type as a Σ-type of identity types.
Fix an $A$ type, $x: A ⊢ B(x)\ \ type$, $S := Σ_{(x:A)}B(x)$, we want a reflexive relation $z, z': S ⊢ R(z,z')\ \ type$, we can call this type $Eq\text{-}Σ$
$$ z ≐ (x, y) $$
$$ z' ≐ (x', y') $$
By $ap_{pr_{1}}$2 we should have a $p: x \underset{A}= x'$
Recall the $tr_B$ function we mentioned before, with this, we can define "type of identifications of $y$ with $y'$ over $p$":
$$ (y \overset{B}{\underset{p}=} y') := (tr_B(p,y) \underset{B(x')}{=} y') $$
And we can then define $Eq\text{-}Σ$:
$$ Eq\text{-}Σ(z, z') := Σ_{(p:x=x')} (y \overset{B}{\underset{p}=} y') $$
Eq-Σ : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} (z : Σ A B) (z' : Σ A B) → Set
Eq-Σ {_} {B} z z' = Σ (fst z ≡ fst z') (λ p → transport B p (snd z) ≡ snd z')
To show this is reflexive, we should have a term:
$$ refl\text{-}Eq\text{-}Σ : \Pi_{(z:S)}Eq\text{-}\Sigma(z, z) $$
This is easy to construct such a term with a pair of refl
(notice fst
and snd
in this pair is in different types 3):
refl-Eq-Σ : ∀{A : Set} {B : A → Set} (z : Σ A B) → Eq-Σ z z
refl-Eq-Σ z = refl , refl
With path induction4, we can push this a step further to:
$$ pair\text{-}Eq : \Pi_{(z,z':S)} ((z\underset{S}=z') \rightarrow Eq\text{-}\Sigma(z, z')) $$
pair-Eq : ∀{A : Set} {B : A → Set} {z : Σ A B} {z' : Σ A B} →
(z ≡ z') → Eq-Σ z z'
pair-Eq {_} {_} {z} refl = refl-Eq-Σ z
And reversely:
$$ Eq\text{-}pair : \Pi_{(z,z':S)} (Eq\text{-}\Sigma(z, z') \rightarrow (z\underset{S}=z')) $$ 5
Eq-pair : ∀{A : Set} {B : A → Set} {z : Σ A B} {z' : Σ A B} →
Eq-Σ z z' → (z ≡ z')
Eq-pair (refl , refl) = refl
And we can find that $Eq\text{-}pair$ and $pair\text{-}Eq$ are "inverse" of each other:
$$ \Pi_{(z,z':S)} \Pi_{(w:Eq\text{-}Σ(z,z'))} Eq\text{-}pair(pair\text{-}Eq(w)) = w $$
$$ \Pi_{(z,z':S)} \Pi_{(r:z=z')} pair\text{-}Eq(Eq\text{-}pair(w)) = w $$
inv-l : ∀{A : Set} {B : A → Set} {z : Σ A B} {z' : Σ A B} (w : Eq-Σ z z') →
pair-Eq ( Eq-pair w ) ≡ w
inv-l (refl , refl) = refl
inv-r : ∀{A : Set} {B : A → Set} {z : Σ A B} {z' : Σ A B} (r : z ≡ z') →
Eq-pair ( pair-Eq r ) ≡ r
inv-r refl = refl
So we can find out that $Eq\text{-}pair$ is a section of $pair\text{-}Eq$ and $pair\text{-}Eq$ is a retraction of $Eq\text{-}pair$.
Thus we can form an equivalence between $z = z'$ and $Eq\text{-}Σ(z, z')$:
$$ (z \underset{S}= z') ≃ Eq\text{-}Σ(z, z') $$
Lecture Note
Record on Youtube
todo: DO learn the category theory.
Ref Note 3 if you forget the definition of $ap$.
You may see a lot of proofs in this section of course are just simple combination of refl
s in different types. When writing Agda code, refl
s' types are omitted, one need to read the type signature of the whole function. Is letting the same notation stands for things in different types and leave the hard work to a type inference program a good idea? Or, should the IDE at least "expand" the type when human beings are reading the code?
It is so easy to write such a proof in Agda, comparing with the difficulty of writing a proof with hands (thinking about applying path induction again and again). I can hardly believe that this proof is correct, but it is just identical to the term on the book, those proof assistant tools are all magic.