Equivalence relations

We have seen many observational equal types, we can abstract them, ie, for a binary relation $R$ on $A$: $R : A → A → Prop_\mathcal{U}$.

If R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive, then it is an equivalence relation.

Equivalence classes

We can divide $A$ into equivalence classes, ie, for an equivalence relation $R$ on $A$, a subtype $P : A → Prop_\mathcal{U}$ is called an equivalence class if there merely exists $x : A$ such that for all $b : A$ we have $R(a,b) ≃ P(b)$.

$$ is-equiv-class(P) := ∃{x:A}∀{b:A} R(x,b) ≃ P(b) $$

We define equivalence class of $x : A$ to be:

$$ [x]_R := R(x, _) $$